Asheville Plumbing Company Mascot + Best Friend

Asheville plumbing company mascot

Our Asheville Plumbing Company Mascot’s Life Story in 1 Minute

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A little story of how Arlo came to be our plumbing company mascot and best friend. Adopt a Shelter Dog and Save a Life like Arlo’s! Check out Arlo’s Bio page for more info on him.

October is National Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month, and Goodman Plumbing is a glad sponsor of the SPCA’s Annual Barktoberfest & Fun Run.

Thanks to everyone who came by our booth, said hi, had some fun, met Arlo in person, got in on our FREE RAFFLE for some great prizes, and helped raise funds for the SPCA! The Barktoberfest was able to raise over $35,000 for the SPCA this year.


Arlo Asheville Plumbing Co Mascot