Rain Water Harvesting in Drought and Beyond

Rain Water Harvesting in Drought and Beyond

Rain Water Harvesting In Drought – A Lesson from Down Under, Mate!

I have always been interested in alternative building methods—things like solar hot water, rainwater harvesting, grey water systems, etc. and I have sought out specialized training to learn them. I became an Accredited Professional in rainwater harvesting with American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) in 2015, which basically means I’ve been trained, tested, and have a proven track record of rain water harvesting system design and installation.

Rain Water Harvesting Around the World

That’s why when my buddy in Australia posted some pictures of a rain water harvesting system he is installing in the new house he is building, it piqued my curiosity. Turns out Australia is quite different than America in terms of conservation. When I asked my friend about his system, he told me that all new homes there are required by law to have rain harvesting systems installed to supply water to their toilets, laundry, outdoor faucets, and landscaping. That’s a win for Australia!

Because of the recent droughts all around the world, I was intrigued by this. I love the idea of using rain water to help conserve our water supply. It also made me wonder why this sort of thing is so rare here in the states. It is strange that in a country that considers itself so progressive, most people have never seen or even heard of rainwater harvesting.

It’s not like this is a new idea—people have been harvesting rain for thousands of years. The ancient Romans mastered the idea. They even built an underground water cistern in Istanbul (or was that Constantinople?) that held 80,000 cubic meters of water. That’s over 21 million gallons. That’s a lot of rain water!

What If It Doesn’t Rain?

So, I did some homework to find out how much water you could collect from a 2,000 square foot roof during a drought in a region that has been particularly hard hit in the recent past—the Sacramento CA area. The answer? 17,250 gallons—during a drought!

Here are the numbers:

1. The average American uses 50 gallons of water a day for indoor use. If there are two people in a household, that’s 36,000 gallons a year. That number could be quite a bit less if they are using high efficiency plumbing fixtures, and even less still if they are conscious of not wasting water.

2. For every inch of rain that falls, you can harvest 1,250 gallons from a 2,000 square foot roof.

3. As an example, Sacramento has an average rainfall of 21″ per year, but the drought in 2015 was pretty bad. In the 2014-2015 rainy season, Sacramento only had 13.8″ of rain. Hardly any.

4. In an average year, that house with the 2,000 square foot roof could catch 26,250 gallons of rain water. In Sacramento during 2014-2015, that same house could have caught 17,250 gallons. Still a pretty substantial amount.

5. In an average year, these 26,250 gallons would supply 72% of the indoor water use for two average non-conserving adults. Currently, in the states of California and North Carolina, you cannot legally use rainwater for drinking or bathing (though other states like Washington allow it), but you can use it for non-potable indoor use, such as toilets and laundry. 100% of the indoor non-potable water needs for two people would easily be covered, even in a drought year, and for a lot more than two in a normal year.

How Much Rain Water Do I Have To Store?

You might be thinking, yeah, but how feasible is it to try and store 26,250 gallons of water? The answer is: you don’t need to. Asheville gets rain year round and so needs a smaller holding capacity, but California typically only gets rain from October to April. So, for 7 out of 12 months, rainwater is being caught and used as it comes. There you’d only need to store enough to make it through the dry months, which is 10,900 gallons. That still might seem like a lot, but it can easily be done with a couple of 6,000 gallon tanks. Tanks that size are about 12′ x 8′. Here is a picture of one about that size, courtesy of rainharvestingsupplies.com

rainwater harvesting tank

Here in Asheville you can get by with a much smaller tank. It seems to me that at the very least, right now we could take a lesson from our mates in Australia. Australia mandates that all their new homes have rain water harvesting systems, and they give rebates of up to $1,500 to homeowners to install them in new or existing houses. Which just makes doing a good thing easier.

We don’t need a mandate to catch a good percentage of the water that we use. We can do it voluntarily and make a huge difference in times of drought, and other times as well. Give me a call if I can help you with your Asheville rain water harvesting! 828-774-7076

10 Tips from Our First 10 Years in the Plumbing Business

10 Tips from Our First 10 Years in the Plumbing Business

It’s Our Plumbing Business Anniversary

According to Forbes, 80% of small businesses fail within 18 months. We just celebrated 10 years in the plumbing business so we thought our anniversary was a good time to reflect on 10 things we have learned that can help local businesses like ours succeed. Here they are:

Monopoly Money

It’s all Monopoly Money. Our family plays a card game called Monopoly Deal.monopoly deal asheville plumbing business tips In the game, sometimes you have fat wads of cash, sometimes you have none, and almost always it changes in an instant. We have learned that the same is true in business. You can’t get too attached or worried about what will happen, you just have to keep playing.

Always Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

Always try to get it right the first time, but on occasion things will go wrong. Through troubles we have learned that how we respond to problems can turn them into assets. Some of our best and most loyal customers were the ones we had to fix an issue for. Stand behind your work and do everything you can to make it right. Taking responsibility turns what could have been really bad into something good!

Customer Service is the Most Important Thing

Customers want to be heard, so always answer the phone or call them back as soon you can. Do what you say you’re gonna do, when you say you’re gonna do it. Treat people how you want to be treated when you are the customer. Keep calm and be respectful no matter what. These are the skills that build long term relationships with people.

Craftsmanship is the Next Most Important Thing

A craftsman is a person who strives to do their best, even when no one is looking, and even if it takes more effort. A craftsman looks at his or her work as an expression of themselves, not just a paycheck. Be a craftsman, even if the customer doesn’t have an understanding for or appreciation of the difference. After that, always double and triple check yourself. You probably missed something.integrity honest plumber asheville

Be True to Yourself and Your Values

In the plumbing business (as with any business) there will be other companies who do things that you find unethical, and they will make money doing it, sometimes big money. Don’t be tempted to do it too. Remember, it’s all Monopoly Money, but integrity is worth more than money.

Faster and Cheaper Does Not Equal Better

Don’t be sorry to charge what you’re worth, even though some people will balk at it. That’s ok. You need to know what your worth and not be apologetic about it. Faster and cheaper is not better.

Do What You’re Good At

Do what you’re good at, and find someone else to do the rest. If you’re a plumber, start a plumbing business. If you’re an administrator, administrate it. Don’t waste your time spinning around those things you suck at. Pay someone else to do your taxes. Pay someone else to fix your website code. Whatever it is you’re NOT good at, pay someone else who is, and focus on your focus.

Proactively Communicate

People actually like it when you follow up, call them to check up on their plumbing service, and see if they need anything else. This was a hard one, because there is a fine line between following up and being seen as pushy, which we definitely don’t want to be. For a long time we were so far into the not-pushy side of the spectrum that we were seen as not interested, which is definitely not what we were going for.

Keep Learning

Just because you know what you’re doing doesn’t mean you know everything about what you’re doing. Keep learning, keep reading, keep growing. You never know what you don’t know!

Be a Resource

Whenever possible, be a resource for others in your community and trade. Share what you know. Help a neighbor out. Do what you can to help others succeed. Give.

That’s all for now. We look forward to the next 10 years of plumbing business in Asheville and what we’ll learn from them! We hope if you are in the Asheville or Hendersonville area and need a good plumber you will give us a call.
Goodman Plumbing Asheville www.goodmanforthejob.com 828-774-7076